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Jacques Bittoun

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Vice president, Scientific Council, Université Paris-Sud

Pr. Jacques Bittoun is a University Professor at Université Paris-Sud and Hospital consultant in Biophysics and nuclear medicine at CHU Bicêtre. He is an elected member of the University Scientific council. He has previousely served has director for the joint CNRS-Université Paris-Sud unit on medical magnetic resonance research (1996-2009). He is also responsible for the "Physique Médicale" Master's program.  He was first appointed Vice-president of the Université Paris-Sud's Scientific Council on october 2007. He was re-appointed to this same position by the current University president fallowing the University elections of 2009. As Vice-president of the Scientific Council, he has overviewed the transition to full independence of Université Paris-Sud. He has overseen the research policies that have helped maintain the international research standing of the University. In 2011 University Paris-Sud the first French University, 7th in Europe and 40th worldwide in the Academic Ranking of World Universities.


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