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Snežana Krstić

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EURODOC - European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers, Belgium
Dr. Snežana Krstić is the organiser and chair of the session “Ethics in research – why it is important to me?” She is a chemical engineer, a member of Eurodoc (www.eurodoc.net). Since 2004 she has been actively participating in many activities related to research, education and innovation policies, including mobility, career and other aspects related to junior researchers. She has raised many interesting issues and discussions related to the early stage researchers, including research integrity and ethical issues (one of the activities was a survey, the first one at European level related to younger researchers), future oriented analysis, etc. Besides, she has a broad experience in communication of science related issues: she initiated, organized, chaired or participated many round tables/workshops, has longer experience in broadcasting and experience in other media. Her professional interests are in interdisciplinary issues at the intersection of science, policy, innovation and society.


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